


陳裔喬老師作品入選-2023女性藝術博覽會@womeninartfairofficial 女性藝術博覽會
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The Women in Art Fair
WIAF 是首屆全球女性藝術博覽會,收到公開徵件超過 1000 件申請、超過 200 多件藝術品、150 名藝術家和 參展畫廊遍佈世界五大洲 在 mallgalleries 展期超過4 天 womeninartfairofficial 是一個致力於推廣女性藝術家的藝術博覽會Funded by the UK Government / Arts Council England 由英國政府/英格蘭藝術委員會資助

Jacqueline Harvey, WIAF Director
WIAF is directed by author, educator, journalist, broadcaster and award-winning business woman, Jacqueline Harvey. A graduate of Goldsmiths, University of  London, with a degree in Philosophy and Sociology, Jacqueline’s extensive career includes working for nine years as Managing Director of Art Strategics, a Mayfair gallery which championed inclusivity and diversity through a successful exhibition, education and international fair programme. She has worked at many art fairs, including START, London Art Fair, Masterpiece, Art Basel and Art Bahrain. In addition to her career in the arts, Jacqueline has written books on health and wellbeing and is regularly interviewed on the BBC and in the national press. She has her own weekly programme on Women’s Radio. 

Jacqueline Harvey says: ‘The world has been through incredible changes in recent years and women, as artists, have continued to create and help maintain stability in these volatile times. We need to celebrate the journey we have been on and look at the new paths and opportunities we are going to create for future generations.”
Virginia Damtsa
The co-founder of iconic gallery Riflemaker, Virginia Damtsa is a well-known art dealer, gallerist, curator and artists’ agent.
Virginia says: “My role has always been to empower creativity and the visionaries of tomorrow. At Women in Art Fair, I would like to empower the female artists of tomorrow.
” Katrina Aleksa Ryemill
Katrina Aleksa Ryemill is an art advisor and co-founder of The Association of Women in the Arts (AWITA).
Cynthia Corbett
Cynthia Corbett is Director of The Cynthia Corbett Gallery and Founder of The Young Master’s Art Prize.
Susan J Mumford
Susan J Mumford is Founder and CEO of the Association of Women Art Dealers (AWAD) and a sector-supporting entrepreneur for the art market.

傑奎琳哈維 (Jacqueline Harvey)WIAF總監由作家、教育家、記者、廣播員和屢獲殊榮的女商人杰奎琳哈維 (Jacqueline Harvey) 執導。傑奎琳畢業於倫敦大學金史密斯學院,獲得哲學和社會學學位,她廣泛的職業生涯包括在Art Strategys 擔任董事總經理九年,該畫廊是梅菲爾區的一家畫廊,透過成功的展覽、教育和國際博覽會計劃倡導包容性和多樣性。她曾在許多藝術博覽會上工作,包括 START、倫敦藝術博覽會、Masterpiece、巴塞爾藝術博覽會和巴林藝術博覽會。除了在藝術領域的職業生涯外,傑奎琳還撰寫了有關健康和福祉的書籍,並定期接受英國廣播公司和全國媒體的採訪。她在婦女廣播電台有自己的每週節目。傑奎琳哈維說:「近年來,世界經歷了令人難以置信的變化,而女性作為藝術家,在這個動盪的時代繼續創造並幫助維持穩定。我們需要慶祝我們所經歷的旅程,並著眼於我們將為子孫後代創造的新道路和機遇。」委員會弗吉尼亞·達姆薩(Virginia Damtsa) 標誌性畫廊Riflemaker 的聯合創始人弗吉尼亞·達姆薩(Virginia Damtsa) 是一位著名的藝術品經銷商,畫廊主、策展人和藝術家經紀人。維吉尼亞說:「我的角色一直是賦予創造力和未來的夢想家力量。在女性藝術博覽會上,我希望為未來的女性藝術家賦能。」Katrina Aleksa RyemillKatrina Aleksa Ryemill 是女性藝術協會 (AWITA) 的藝術顧問和聯合創始人。Cynthia CorbettCynthia Corbett 是總監辛西婭·科貝特畫廊(Cynthia Corbett Gallery) 和青年大師藝術獎(Young Master’s Art Priest) 創辦人。蘇珊·J·芒福德(Susan J Mumford) 蘇珊·J·芒福德(Susan J Mumford) 是女性藝術經銷商協會( AWAD) 的創始人兼首席執行官,也是藝術市場的行業支持企業家。
關於2023 年的女性藝術博覽會https://womeninartfair.com/about-women-in-art-fair/
博覽會行銷與宣傳The Women in Art Fair相關連結與報導:
(1)A new art fair celebrating women’s contribution to art and presenting both leading and emerging women artists opens at Mall Galleries 11-14 October 2023

日期:2023 年10 月 11 日至 14 日
地點:Mall Galleries
Gallery address:The Mall, London,SW1

藝術博覽會中的女性將在 Mall Galleries 的所有三個空間


Women in Art Fair 2023
Women in Art Fair is a new art fair dedicated to readdressing the gender imbalance in the art industry. WIAF seeks to create a positive global fair, from which women and those identifying as women, are given an opportunity to show their work and contribute to developing the exchange of ideas around gender, and culture.
Artists are invited to submit work for exhibition, alongside galleries, for the inaugural Women in Art Fair exhibition October 2023.
Women in Art Fair seeks the best in contemporary art, photography, textile and sculpture; all mediums.
The exhibition in October 2023 offers artists the opportunity to have their work seen by thousands of visitors at Mall Galleries.
This year’s theme is The World is A Family.
‘The world has been through incredible changes in recent years and women, as artists, have continued to create and help maintain stability in these volatile times. We need to celebrate the journey we have been on and look at the new paths and opportunities we are going to create for future generations.’


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